The website is undergoing some reworking to better tell the story of the
Lacemakers of Calais and provide additional information in the Family pages.
In brief, the lacemakers
- were from the lace works in England before most of them moved to Calais and St Pierre. A few families travelled via Caen and Boulogne-Sur-Mer while a few others went to Lille and Douai. They lived and raised their families in these towns across northern France for many years, and
- in 1848 were in a desperate position when revolution erupted across Europe. Many of them decided to migrate to the Australian Colonies and start new lives there while others stayed on in France.
The website changes enhance this story with a revised menu layout including a new section on the initial destinations in Australia. We are also revising some of the shipping lists.
French records
Many of you will have searched archives for the Pas-de-Calais and Nord Departments in France and found the records for the BMD events relevant to your families.
Pas-de-Calais https://archivespasdecalais.fr
Perhaps a few have looked at the Normandy (Calvados) Archives at https://archives.calvados.fr/
However, for those who cannot access those resources some of these records with an outline of the facts in English are being added progressively to the LOC Family pages like those shown below.
If the records are not yet in your Family page and you would like some help
contact us.
As always if you have a question ask us.