Check the Nelson Shipping List
Information about Nelson
Arrival in Geelong, Victoria
Nelson arrived off Point Henry in Corio Bay, Geelong 11 November 1848
Arrived. November 11 - Nelson, barque, 603 tons, Captain Lamond, from London 18th and Plymouth 31st July, with 250 emigrants ...
Vessels bound for Melbourne often anchored off Point Henry close to the expanding town of Geelong, rather than make the longer journey across Port Phillip Bay to the Hobson's Bay wharves. In late 1848 the barque Nelson anchored off Point Henry and the passengers including the Strong family, Leonard Savidge and Edward Maltby waited on board for boats to row them ashore with their belongings.
Once ashore, Samuel Strong and Edward Maltby took their families into Melbourne to find work and lodgings At that time, Melbourne and Geelong were the southern-most towns in the Colony of New South Wales.