Check the Harpley Shipping List
Information about Harpley
Arrival in Port Adelaide
Harpley arrived in Port Adelaide 2 September 1848
South Australian, Tuesday 5 September 1848, p2, Shipping Intelligence
Arrived September 2 - The ship Harpley, 574 tons, Buckland, from London. Passengers - Dr Spencer, surgeon superintendent, and 261 emigrants
South Australian, Tuesday 5 September 1848, p3, Local News
The passengers per Harpley are principally male lace manufacturers, formerly from Nottingham, and recently expelled from France, by the admirers of liberty, fraternity, and unity. Their passage, we hear, was paid by subscription and the Union funds of Nottingham, to prevent them becoming a burthen to their city.
Hearsay does not often hear the correct story!
Harpley Passengers - Newspaper List
South Australian Register, Wednesday 6 September 1848, p3, Shipping Intelligence
Harpley - A Newspaper's Reports