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Check the General Hewitt Shipping List

Information about General Hewitt

Arrival in Port Jackson on 13 November 1848

The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 14 November 1848, p2, SHIPS' MAILS

THE GENERAL HEWITT.-This ship has made an excellent passage of ninety-two days from Plymouth, being the quickest of the season. During one week in the month of September, she ran a distance of 1849 miles, thus averaging 264 miles per day, or eleven miles an hour for the whole seven days; during the month of October her average rate of sailing was 220 miles per day. She brings to the colony three hundred and thirty-four immigrants, principally English, of whom fifty-six are married couples, sixty-two single men, sixty-two single women, thirty-seven boys and forty-three girls from one to fourteen years of age, and fourteen infants. Four births occurred on the voyage, but no deaths, and the whole of the immigrants appear in excellent health. Great credit is due to the Captain, Surgeon Superintendent, and Officers of the ship, for the cleanly and orderly state in which she has arrived in port.

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