Check the Emperor Shipping List
Information about Emperor
Arrival in Port Jackson
Description of the weather for Saturday 4 November 1848 when Emperor arrived in Sydney
A fair day with maximum temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit - about 22 degrees Celsius
Sydney Morning Herald, Wednesday 8 November 1848, p2, Meteorology (South Head)
Saturday 4th - Wind shifted from west to south early part of the morning, and blew fresh all fore and middle parts, P.M., moderate. Some trifling showers between seven and eight; afterwards clear lovely weather all the rest of the day. Night calm and perfectly clear sky.
Disposal of the immigrants after Emperor arrived in Sydney
Sydney Morning Herald, Monday 13 November 1848, p3, IMMIGRATION [bottom of column 2]
The immigrants by the ship Emperor have been disposed of as follows :-
Proceeded to Parramatta 109, to Maitland 18, to the Clarence River 20, hired from the depot 13, hired from the ship 59, left the ship on their own account 58, placed in the Lunatic Asylum 1: total 278. Intimation of the chartering of the following ships has been received by the Immigration Agent the General Hewitt, to sail August 15, ... , and the Walmer Castle, 7th September ...
Richard Goldfinch, his wife Hannah and five of their children in the blended family left the ship in Sydney and settled in George Street. They had lost their youngest child Lynch on board the unhealthy Emperor. The Gamble brothers were also on board but Frederick Gamble was recorded as insane on arrival - he was taken directly to the Tarban Creek Lunatic Asylum for treatment.