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The links here are to websites which can be searched for records of the Lacemakers of Calais families and are provided for convenience and information purposes only. Some of the websites provide the information for free while others required payment for some or full details of the record.


The Descendants of the Lacemakers of Calais group cannot guarantee the accuracy or currency of the information contained in the linked websites.


For links to vital records of the lacemakers for events that occurred in France, refer to the French Archives page.


New South Wales, Australia

NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages

A free search will usually reveal First and Family names, year of event registration, record number, parents first names and district where the event occurred. To obtain more detail, if it exists on the record, will require payment of a fee.

University of Newcastle Library Guides - Anglican Diocese of Newcastle Archives: Parish Registers 1826-1995

Free online search for baptisms, marriages, confirmations and burials for Hunter Valley parishes. Microfilms of the Parish Registers are also available at 17 libraries.

South Australia, Australia

SA Government - Births, deaths and marriages - Researching family history

Genealogy SA 

Non-government group with an online searchable database genealogy records for free basic data and more complete information for a fee.

Victoria, Australia

Victoria Government - Births, deaths and marriages - Search your family history

A free search will usually reveal First and Family names, year of event registration, record number, parents first names and place where the event occurred. To obtain more detail, if it exists on the record, will require payment of a fee.


New South Wales, Australia

Museums of History NSW {Previously State Archives] - Assisted Immigrants Index 1839-1896

Index to records held for assisted immigrants arriving at Port Phillip, 1839-1851, Moreton Bay, 1848-1859 and Sydney and Newcastle, 1844-189396.

Museums of History NSW {Previously State Archives] - Assisted Immigrants (Digital) Shipping Lists 1828-1896

If you know the vessel name and year of arrival you can search the shipping list

Victoria, Australia

Public Record Office Victoria - Passenger records and immigration

A free search of passenger lists of inward bound passengers: assisted (subsidised), unassisted (paying their own way), and coastal (travelling to Victoria from on Australian port, or outward bound passengers


St Pierre-lès-Calais census records

Search schedules of lacemaker names recorded in some of the census records in St Pierre-lès-Calais from 1820 to 1851


France Archives Records

How to search archives in France

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